I am a PhD student at the Chair of Software Engineering II at the University of Passau, Germany. I did my bachelor and master studies in computer science at the University of Passau, too. Before moving to Passau, I did a vocational training as an IT Management Assistant (German: Informatikkaufmann) with the Kreissparkasse Garmisch-Partenkirchen.
In my private life I am a dad and husband who enjoys Jazz and Metal music. I used to play drums and piano sometimes—which I should definitely do again. I am also a food and BBQ lover 😊.
In my research I am interested in automated test generation for dynamically-typed programming languages. Furthermore, I am interested in static and dynamic analysis techniques for such languages. I am also interested in type systems, particularly type systems and type-inference strategies for dynamically-typed languages.
Please see my research interests for more details.
PGP Email
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